Sunday, May 10, 2009

I put my thing down, flip it and reverse it

My day in reverse:

I love samosas from Ken's Donuts! They are do delicious and I love that the pastry has the donut shop taste. I just ate 2 samosas, a well deserved treat for my productive night! Alice, Charles, Sandy, Thu, and I spent almost 3 hours working on finishing touches for EOS. The programs turned out rather nice and we finished making place cards for all the attendees. Thank god that Charles, Sandy, and Thu came to help or me and Alice would have been "flippin shit" tomorrow when we realized that Mil lab didn't open until 2 leaving us less than 2 hours before having to set up.

Before our long EOS meeting, there was a potluck at Eddy and Wendy's apartment. Like any potluck there was a random mixture of food. There was cream corn from Rudy's, a Chinese vegetable dish, broccoli and shrimp dish, and a rotisserie chicken. Not to mention a lot of delicious desserts! After eating food, we went up to their loft and played scattergories. Sad to say me and Hans scored the least.

Before the potluck, I was at my apartment's computer lab trying to get the stupid printer to work. I foresaw a lot of work with the place cards and programs and wanted to get a head start. I had just returned from Hobby Lobby. I love that store. Seeing all the craft material gets my juices going and I want to start on some artistic project like a scrapbook or something. I could walk around Hobby Lobby for hours upon hours which reminds me of all the times in the Summer me and Jenna would just walk around craft stores for hours. The thing about me and Jenna is that we can stare at things for hours and not get bored. I miss Jenna.

Before heading to Hobby Lobby I was at the Business school working on my last team project for MKT 460 and the last touches of senior gifts for EOS. While working on my MKT 460 project, I looked to see that my professor released the IB grades from exam 3. I was confident I did fairly well but I guess not good enough. My average came out to exactly what I needed for a B. She allows us an optional final to replace our lowest grade but after a few calculations I realized that I need a 104 to make an A. The highest grade I can possibly make on the test is a 103. I threw in the towel and decided to just take the B. That means no more finals for me! Woohoo!! After tomorrow, it's officially par-tay time!

In less than a month I'mma be rocking it out at Stella's bachelorette party and taking some Summer classes. In less than 2 months I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday!! Woohoo!!

I'm really happy :]

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