Friday, October 8, 2021

Breastfeeding Journey: Baby #2

 Here is an outline of my current journey with my second baby, Eric.

Week 1 - 8:

Having gone through the first experience, I went into my second breastfeeding journey with confidence and compassion. I expect it to work out but was also at peace with it not working out.

I was already able to express colostrum around week 32 of my pregnancy so I felt good about that. Immediately when he was born, I expressed a few drops to double check and felt that same relief when I saw those drops from my nipples. I helped him latch and watched as he made swallowing sounds. There was a bit of latch pain but nothing unexpected. The lactation consultant came by (just once this time) and confirm his latch and that she saw signs of him taking in milk. Off to a good start.

The next day, we found out that he also had jaundice just like his sister and we need to start supplementing. This time the nurse suggested something so helpful. She said to latch him onto the nipple and have dad push in formula with a syringe while he was nursing. This way he's getting the volume he needs and stimulating the nipples. No piece of soul dying here, my only concern was getting the bilirubin out of his system. The day after, he passed his bilirubin test but since my milk hadn't come in yet, we supplemented him with formula. He was a big baby (9 lbs 3 oz at birth) so I wanted to make sure he wasn't hungry.

My milk came on day 3 and I was ready. I had my nipple cream, my cold compress, and my lactation massager. We got through engorgement with a breeze. 

Since I had a c-section with Eric, my husband took him to his doctor visits and gave him formula while he was out. Other than that, Eric hasn't had anymore formula past week 1.

The nipple pain lasted about 4 weeks this time and spared me of the bloody nipples. I made sure to apply nipple cream after every session and the pain reduced each time. It also immensely helped that he is a much efficient nurser than his sister, his average session this time was around 15 mins. 

Signs I looked for to know he was drinking enough:

- My boobs felt softer after each session

- He had a good amount of pee and poo diapers

- At his 2 week appointment, he gained his birth weight and more. He continues to grow at his doctor visits.

- Collecting 2-4oz from my Haakaa

I have not used my pump one single time since his birth. I only use the Haakaa in the mornings to collect milk. I've been getting an extra 2-4 oz each time.

Around week 6, his average session dropped to 11 min and he starting sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at night. I find that I actually wish our session would last longer. It feels over so fast.

Breastfeeding products:

- Boppy Pillow

- Haakaa

- Frida Breastfeeding Self Care

- Motherlove Nipple Cream

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