Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Isabella's 3rd Birthday and Baby David's Baptism

The whole group
On Sunday, my family had a dual celebration for Isabella's 3rd birthday and baby David's baptism. From my apartment, it took over an hour to get to The Woodlands! It never seemed so bad before when I lived in Spring. Baby David was baptized at St. Anthony's of Padua. I barely made it for the end (lack of anticipation for the 1 hour long drive). Shortly afterward, the reception was held at Landry's Seafood and it was seafood buffet galore. The theme was Tinkerbell, the party table, cake, and cookies (made by yours truly) were adorned with pixie dust and Tinkerbell.

My Mom, Aunt, and Grandma

My handsome guest :)

Sweet card from my Aunt!
Tinkerbell Party Favors

Tinkerbell Fall Cake

Me and the birthday girl

My cute cousins

My dad, Me, My mom, Aunt, and Uncle Rudy

My handsome cousins looking GQ

Cutie Vi

Isabella and her mom (my aunt Maricar)

Baby David thinking "Whatchu lookin' at, cousin Erica?"

The buffet menu

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