Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I love my MKT 460 professor

I love my MKT 460 professor. Professor Frenkel Ter Hofstede bought us pizza today. I really had a struggle though. I already ate lunch with Eddy and was rather satisfied. I went back and forth, no more food, free pizza, no more food, free pizza, no more food...FREE PIZZA!!!! You can guess which one I went for. I'm surprised how much I can stuff my face. Unfortunately my want has left me feeling satiated and guilty especially when I stare at my greasy napkin.

More about my professor, he replaced lecture with just conversating to us. He told us his favorite restaurants in Austin, his favorite beers, and how its like in the Netherlands (his home country). He's awesome and even though he has to teach an excruciatingly boring topic, I love this man.

Right now I'm currently debating whether or not I want to pursue a second degree in Communications. Even with Summer school, it would postpone my graduation to December 2010 or May 2011. If this happens though, I do plan on studying abroad again probably in Europe this time around. Graduate on time or have another degree + another opportunity to study abroad? What to do?

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