Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chunkin' Up the Deuces

Wrapping up my college experience is truly bittersweet. As I'm studying for the last few tests of my undergraduate career I can't help but do a little happy dance and as my former love Chris Brown would say "chunk up the deuces". I'm satisfied with leaving that part behind me but I will definitely miss the college experience. I will miss all the friendships, the fun, and Austin as a city. Currently I am debating between two job offers, one that brings me to Dallas, TX and another up to the midwest. I'm sitting here trying to take it all in - graduating, finals, job selection, planning the time between graduation and work - as I wrap up one chapter of my life. It's an exciting but overwhelming place to be at. I joke about "auditioning to me a grown up" aka interviewing and the decisions have come in and I'm getting closer to actually having to be a grown up. Concerns cross my mind.... I've been struggling with my parents to gain more independence and now that it's nearing, can I handle it? Living and working away isn't like a 4 month study abroad experience or a 3 month internship experience. It will be a longer duration of time away from my family. How am I going to work that out? All of my closest friends are in Houston or Austin, how will I keep in touch and maintain our strong bongs? Will I make new friends? What will work be like? Has school really prepared me for the next step?

I feel like I am in high school again dreaming about what college is going to be like and what my goals will be. I'm back in that state of anticipating a big life change and dreaming about what professional life is going to be like and my future life and career goals.

I'll keep you updated.

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