Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Graduation and Next Step

This past weekend I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Per my mom's request, I walked twice - once for the communications school and once for business school. Luckily in December, the ceremonies whiz by ending within an hour. My entire family came up to see me walk which was touching. I don't think anyone had as much family come out as I did! It was fun and chaotic from Saturday - Sunday trying to figure out the meals and pushing tables together for a party of 20+. I could feel the family lup. Thanks to my family for their continued support!

What's Next?

College has been such a memorable experience for me. I grew so much in the past 4 years. It's exhilarating as I move on to become more autonomous and independent as I try to establish myself as an adult. I've recently accepted an offer with General Mills for a Business Management Associate position in Minneapolis, MN.
I know a lot of my close friends and family are laughing at me because they know how much I despise the cold. I've never had much interaction with cold weather. I've seen snow on a vacation but I've never actually had to live in it. I'm willing to give it a try and experience an actual 4 seasons. I'm very excited about the move and have already started researching the area and places to live. I'm hoping to get my relocation settled as quickly as possible so I can utilize whatever time I have left to travel a bit before starting work.

1 comment:

Uncle Tai said...

Congrats Erica!!!
We are so proud of you!!!