Sunday, September 13, 2009


Day 18

This weekend I went to Macau with a few friends that I have made in my hall. We met in the lobby of our hall at 10AM to set on our adventure. To get to Macau, you need to take a ferry from Sheung Wan. Inside, there are clusters of travel agencies trying to sell you tickets to Macau. After bargaining a bit, we got our tickets for the ferry. Ebe was explaining that HK and Macau are under some 1 country 2 systems rule so going to Macau is like traveling to another country. You have to go through immigration and customs. The boat was actually pretty nice, the seats were incredibly comfortable which made sleeping through the 1 hour ride much easier. We arrived at the ferry terminal and got on the first bus shuttle we saw. We headed to the Venetian which I believe is affiliated with the Venetian in Vegas. There were so many people there it was crazy! After exploring the hotel we went off to venture in the city of Macau. Since Macau was once a Portuguese colony, there is a lot of Portuguese influence on the architecture of the buildings and on the food. Afterwards we went to the Macau tower and saw a fireworks display competition featuring Taiwan and France. I love watching fireworks; they are so magical and they induce nostalgic childhood memories. It was a lovely way to end the day.

The Hallway of the Venetian

Our group

St. Dominic's Church

I fell in love with the Portuguese egg tarts!

Ruins of St. Paul

Na Cha Temple

African Chicken (Macau's Famous Dish)

Fireworks! :)

1 comment:

Kevin Adams said...

Macau was so much fun! I want to go again because there are a lot of things I didn't do. I didn't go to the Venetian and I didn't do the bungy jumping off Macau tower. The Venetian in Macau looks amazing... apparently its the third largest building in the world (by square floorspace)