Monday, May 18, 2009

The Power of "Yes!"

As silly as "Yes Man" was, I think the movie really had a point. I guess I've never took time to think about it or appreciate the word. When friends are excited and are down to do anything with you, it makes it 10 times more fun. People who have bad attitude, aren't into having a good time, and always saying "no" without thinking about it are no fun!

This weekend has been full of "yes" to good times! It has been a real blast and the perfect remedy to a jam-packed semester. The juicy details of a series of crazy fun events will be left in the minds of people who were present.

Today was a bit more relaxing but still fun! I'm a person that enjoys my own company as much as I enjoy others. When I get to have that balance, I am a happy camper. I woke up today and cleaned up my apartment a bit. I did some laundry and straightened up my bathroom. I went to Popeyes because I've been craving it forever! I had one of my favorite meals and finished the rest of disc 1 of CSI season 2. Afterward, I went bowling with a few friends. Jeff Pao and his crew are crazy good bowlers. They average at least 180 per game, no joke. I'm determined to be comparable by the end of Summer. After bowling, we headed over to Jeff's place to play Mah Jong and Dominos. Erica time + friends time = the perfect day. Can every weekend be just like this?

Tomorrow, or rather today, I'm heading back to Houston to spend time with my family. My cousins from Tennessee are coming on May 20 to spend the Summer in Texas mostly for Phi and Stella's Wedding in July. A few weeks back, I blogged about all the exciting things I'm looking forward to. These events are fast approaching and I'm so excited that I feel it in my toes. I can't wait!

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