Sunday, May 31, 2009


Two posts in a day! I couldn't end May with 13 entries! (I'm superstitious when it comes to numbers) We'll make this one a funny post. So for the past 2 weeks I've been in Houston to spend time with the famiry before my internship begins in Austin for the Summer. Of course, my mom never fails to make me laugh until my side hurts. My parents say the cutest things and I'd like to share them with y'all :)

There is a lot of similarities between me and my mom. We're both playful, love laughing, and we enjoy games. Obviously, unknown to my knowledge, the same ones. is a multiplayer game site that I've been recently playing on a lot. This morning I was getting ready in my bathroom and I heard distinct sounds. I walked out to the game room to find my mom playing jigsawce on

Later we went to eat lunch with my family in bellaire and my grandma wanted to show off her English that she's been practicing..

Son and Dirty
Grandma: *points to my uncle* This is my son.
All: *laugh* yes!
Grandma: *points to my aunt* This is my dirty.
Me: daughter?!
Grandma: daughty.

My mom gets her sense of humor from my grandma :)


My mom likes to share stories about her work and her coworkers with me and tell me a lot of interesting stories.

Menopaul and FOB
Mom: so that's what happen. Don't you think that so silly? Maybe because all these women have menopaul.
Me: Menopause?
Mom: Yes, don't make fun of your mommy!
Me: Wei shen me ni zhe yan F.O.B? (in chinese: why are you such a fob?)
Mom: Ying wei wo shi F.O.B! (in chinese: because I am a fob!)


In the car, I was asking my mom how she even found out about OMGPOP.

Me: Mom, how did you even find that gamesite?
Mom: You think your mom know nothing! I saw in the website and it look like game so I click on it! There is the stick falling game you like to play and this typing game but that one I suck.
Me: So you just went to it and started playing?
Mom: yes, I saw the website say cumcumcumcumcum something...whatever the name. Then I click.
Me: LOL!!!!! MOM that's nasty. The website is called OMGPOP!
Mom: OH MAI GOT. hahaha, ok I saw "oh mai got pop" and started playing


Nothing like ending it with some cute daddy stuff. I have the best daddy ever.

My parents love to eat out. My dad is a fan of Pho and luckily we live near a lot of Pho places. We went to eat at Pho 99 a few days back. Since Stella has been planning her wedding, a lot of wedding topics have been on my mind. I'm a bridesmaid in her upcoming wedding and it got me thinking about my bridesmaids if I were to ever get married. I was thinking about all my closests friends and was excited about the thought. During lunch, I brought this up with my parents.

Me: there are a few girls that I would definitely say would be my bridesmaids in the future. So far I have # in mind
Mom: Oh really? you know, you can have as many bridesmaids as you want if you marry a rich husband
Me: That's true but it's not about how many but how close these girls are to me
Mom: but if you marry a rich husband you can have a lot!
Dad: It doesn't matter if he's rich or poor, as long as he loves Erica with all of his heart. Right?


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