Friday, January 15, 2010

Hello Mr. 2010.

I'm disappointed by how poorly I've kept up with my blog. There has been so much going on in my life lately. The "to-blog" list is getting longer and longer and just like a kid being told what to do: obligatory blogs become a burden. I still have yet to write my Singapore blog, Philippines, Thailand, and HK closure. I'll surely get around to it.... I hope.

I can't quite believe that it's already 2010. 2010 has significance because it is the year I am to graduate college and make decisions like a pretend grown-up. 2009 has been a roller coaster of emotions and life-changing events. As bad as some of the things are, I felt that my biggest growth thus far has been due to 2009. I gained experience from ABSA and my Summer Marketing Internship at Fig Leaf Baby. I went abroad to Asia and opened up my mind to so much. I came home and trying to pull my life together from these tumultuous few days.

My beloved grandmother landed in the hospital on Tuesday from two strokes. I've been back and forth to the hospital with my mom ever since. I'm trying to be strong and to remain positive but it breaks my heart every time I see her. She's been doing better though. She got moved to a regular room and has shown promising recovery.

I'm hopeful about 2010.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

u should try hard to keep up your blog, so i know what's happening with your life :)