Friday, August 7, 2009

Quick Summary

I've been very bad at keeping up with my blog lately. So many eventful things have been going on I feel so behind!

I've just been so exhausted. Being 21 is an expensive thing. I need to learn that just because you now have the option to drink and even thought everyone else is drinking, you don't have to! Birthdays are cutting a hole in my pocket as well. Jenna's 21st birthday was last weekend, it was extremely fun but I was making it rain all weekend. We went canoeing and minigolfing. After basking in the hot sun, we would eat nice dinners and end the night on 6th street.

This week has been mildy eventful. My friend, Linda, came back from studying abroad in Milan for 6 months. Which gave me the realization that I'm leaving pretty soon. I feel like I should be anxious, freaking out about what to bring but I'm actually not. It almost feels surreal that I will be living in another country for the next 4 or 5 months. HKUST has a buddy program in which they assign us to a buddy who will show us around. There will be activities and tours involved.

I feel excitement but I also feel a little sad that I will be missing out on upcoming events. I'm missing football season, friend's birthdays, and etc. Daniel and I have conjured the idea of starting a food blog that has reviews, and lists daily specials and happy hours. I'm only going to get to work on it for a few weeks before I'm off munching on dim sum 24/7. I guess everything in life comes with pros and cons!

1 comment:

ipwnedgoliath said...

Erica! it's Esteban. Where are you studying abroad?? Looks like Hong Kong from your tag, but iono lol.