Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Drink all day, play all night, let's get it poppin. I'm in L.A, b*tch!

The title of course is from the theme song of the weekend. "I'm in Miami Trick, L.A remix" by LMFAO. Which I recommend listening to while reading this long entry :)

This weekend was such a blast! I really loved how loving and friendly the entire bachelorette group was. We stayed at this amazing hotel called The London and it was absolutely beautiful. It was very modern and hip but cozy at the same time. I flew in on Friday and arrived around 9PM. We went to One Sunset to have dinner and the place was suppose to turn into a club later. The atmosphere is like a fine dining establishment so it was hard to imagine that this would be a club. We had a lot of gourmet versions of staple foods like a gourment pulled pork sandwich and truffle mac and cheese. We also had bottle service so I felt older and sophisticated. Stella gave all the bachelorette party girls a nickname and we had to call each other by that name or we would suffer a penalty. Mine of course was Young Buck since I was the youngest of the crowd.

Within the next couple hours, they took away all the table tops and turned them into drink tables. The lights were cut off and a DJ took over an empty booth in the corner and before you know it there were people poppin and droppin it like it was hot!

The next day we went to Hollywood Hills and went horseback riding. The one thing I always remember about horses is they poop and pee randomly. Every time I see a horse I'm sure to stay clear of anywhere near their hine area. Especially on 6th street where the cops ride around in horses. So the ranch that we went to had over 70 horses so you could imagine the stink. We waited for them to load up our horses for about 20 minutes and in that time frame I've seen more poop and pee than I've ever excreted in my life. The scenery was absolutely gorgeous as you can imagine while we rode up and through Hollywood Hills. The scenery in California is beautiful. It's a mixture of natural beauty with contemporary flare. It's a harmony of nature and mankind. The city of LA itself is surrounded by mountains and topped off by white beaches. That was were we were off to next. As we cruised through Hollywood Hills to Oceanside beach the streets were lined with palm trees and you won't believe this, purple trees! I hypothesized that they were watered with purple drank. Added to my list of things to do: grow a purple tree.

The beach was exactly how I remembered them. White sand and blue blue ocean water. The only difference that makes California beaches more breathtaking than Florida is the scenery in the background. California beaches have mountains in the distance. Ruby, Stella's maid of honor, had the hook up with one of her photographer friends and he came to do a photoshoot on the beach with the bachelorette party. He was an eccentrically handsome fellow. He looked like a clean cut geek with black rim glasses and a dorky smile but he was laced up with manly tattoos all over his arms. I particularly noticed his Scorpio symbol. In Hollywood, it seems like everyone is semi-famous or connected to someone famous. Ruby's friend is a pretty popular professional photographer and his latest photo shoot was done for Soulja boy (took a look in the mirror and said what's up? yeahhh) and he's always invited to these exclusive Hollywood parties. Ruby's landlord is also a fellow off VH1's "The Best Week Ever"

After frolicking on the beach, we returned to pretty up for our night festivities. We had dinner reservations at Bardot which was suppose to turn into a club as well. It was a fancy joint and had a more gothic appeal and vibe to it. They had chandeliers and old fashion candle holders lining the walls. To our astonishment, people started showing up with masks and we realized that it must have been a themed masquerade party. Stella had a list to complete. Among the list were things like "Ask for phone numbers from 5 hot guys", "Take a picture with a celebrity", "Dance between two hot guys", etc etc. So we were off to find these so called "hot guys" for Stella to complete her list. To our dismay, many Hollywood fellows are less than willing to help and preferred not to be a part. Ruby ran into a lot of people who "looked" like celebrities and she managed to get Eric off of entourage to take a picture with Stella. After a while, we decided to go to a club that was a lot more poppin than this masquerade fiasco.

Wasn't until the next day did we find out that we were actually a part of Shane West from the Notebooks birthday party. If we would have stayed longer there would have been more celebrity sightings. The guy that "looked" like Chad Michael Murray was in fact.... Chad Michael Murray. HOW DID WE NOT KNOW?!?!? We realized this after a paparazzi video was released and it had two of the bachelorette party girls walking out in the background.

The next day we had brunch at the rooftop pool and I had a delcious gourmet burger. We played our last bachelorette game for the weekend and I managed to win 2nd place and got a nice "prize" as well. I also learned a lot about my cousins I would have been fine not knowing! Anyway, it was a wonderful way to conclude our eventful weekend by lounging around a heated pool eating gourmet burgers. With a few hours left before we had to part ways to the airport, we walked down a strip near Venice with a lot of boutique shops.

The result of this trip?
1) A lot of fun memories that linger in the form of a sinus infection as a result of being funned out. (didn't know it was possible!)
2) I got to be a part of Hollywood night life
3) I discovered purple trees
4) I've seen more pee and poop and penis (from all the bachelorette games) than I have ever had in my life.
5) Even with all the gourmet food I've eaten all weekend (and even gourmet french fries!) I realized that I love me some good ol' Chili's and will take a hamburger from Fuddrucker's or Ez's over a gourmet London Burger with Carmalized Onions anyday


hey! you look kinda cute - in that polka dot bikini girrrrrrl!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

you know, if i hadn't read through your whole blog and just looked at the recap part, i would've assumed purple trees was some kind of weed. LOL. start planning ;) haha jk jk