Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back to the Daily Grind

We came back from the trip Saturday night which left me barely  24 hours to recooperate before returning to take care of business. Spring is beautiful. On the drive back to Austin there were fields of bluebonnets everywhere and the combination of blue, green with the sunny,blue skies provided a lovely view for the trip.

We arrived in Austin at 5PM which allowed me only enough time to throw my suitcase down, take note of anything I needed to go grocery shopping, upload a the Spring Break pictures, and I was off to the weekly Officer Meetings. Following the meeting, we also had GAM where all the directors come together for a bi-weekly meeting. That's right, my first 3 hours back was devoted to ABSA. Afterward, I went to Wal*mart to stock up for the week.

Mondays and Wednesdays are my class heavy days. I have 3 marketing classes starting at 11 and not ending until 5PM. What a refreshing way to begin your first day back from Spring Breack.....not really (take me back to those beautiful beaches!). Much groaning and ranting was going on in my head once I realized that I had a paper due tomorrow (which I completely forgot about as my mind was wisked away to Florida), two tests next Monday, and a group presentation on Wednesday. After my class ended at 5, I took a quick run at the gym which alleviated a lot of the pressure I was feeling. I returned home and ate a satisfying meal prepared by my mommy.

Luckily, I began writing my paper during my lunch break and was more than halfway through with it so I spent my two hours before the ABSA basketball game relaxing and reading a book I had ordered on Amazon.com. Since watching the movie He's just not that into you I decided to purchase the book to see what it was all about. It isn't like the movie, it's more of a relationship guidance book written from the male perspective although the main points and characters in the movie were taken from the book. Close relationships, especially romantic ones, intrigue me and I had a good laugh from the book with a feeling of empowerment so it was money well spent even though I originally expected a fictional novel. 

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