Monday, November 8, 2010

Mochi's Treats: Dog Treat Recipe

I was looking around online for Dog Treat recipes and I was horrified when I found some recipes containing food items that are toxic to dogs! One recipe I saw called for garlic salt, garlic is toxic and salt is bad for dogs. (Here's a list of foods to avoid) I've become more health conscious of Mochi's diet often reading the ingredient labels. One thing to keep in mind is that ingredients are listed in the order of quantity. Always buy dog food that lists a protein first (i.e. Chicken). Don't be fooled by "by-products" a Chicken "by-product" are parts that aren't meat (i.e. liver, blood, bone, kidneys, fatty tissue). Avoid food with high fats and corn meal. To ensure a healthy diet, I make Mochi's treats as well that way I have control over what ingredients go into Mochi's diet. I got this great recipe from my friend, Felicia that I'd like to share with my fellow dog-lovers!

3 cups Gold Medal Whole Wheat Flour
3 tbs olive oil
1/3 cup dry skim milk
1/4 cup water
1 egg
2-3 jars of baby food

- It's fun mixing and matching flavors! 
- For additional healthiness, use organic baby food and/or natural peanut butter
- Today I made: Apples & Chicken and Carrot; Apples & Cherries and Peaches, Oatmeal & Bananas

Step 1:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix all ingredients together. Stir vigorously. 

-You may have to start using your hands. 
- Make sure dough is not too sticky or dry. If dough is sticky, add more flour. If dough is too dry, add a bit more water.

Step 2:
Roll the dough and kneed it on a surface about .5 inch thick. Cut with cookie cutters.

- Spread flour on the surface and flip dough back and forth for smoothness
- Bone shaped cookie cutters for $5.95 from Knextion via Amazon 

Step 3:
Place on covered cookie sheet about .5 inches apart. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

Tada! The treats are on the softer side so it's perfect for teething puppies and ripping into smaller pieces for training. By the way, they taste like bread in case you are interested.

- Refrigerate for longer shelf life

Tip: Share the love with friends :)

Where's my treat?!

p.s. Mochi LOVES these treats!


More Dog Treat Recipes @ For the Love of Pooch

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