Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Save Money. Live Better.

 Life as a Walmart Intern.

There is so much stuff to say, I don't even know where to start. I want to tell you EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING I possibly can, but we'd be here forever. So I'll give a very broad overview and hopefully I will keep up with my blog and allude to things in the beginning.

This week marks the end of my 6th week as a Walmart intern. I have been working in the Sam's Club division in the technology department and I am absolutely loving it here. Walmart is an awesome company with a rich culture. Every meeting starts off with a crazy Walmart cheer that I've grown to love. The Sam's building is beautiful. Arkansas is nice, I was pleasantly surprised with what Bentonville/Fayetteville has to offer but besides excellent Thai Food, good Asian food is a rare commodity. I really miss Asian food but I have become quite the chef. Gotta do whatcha gotta do!

Today was probably the BEST DAY EVER! It started off with me walking into Sam's Club and running into the CEO, Brian Cornell. I was so excited and gave myself a little pep talk and introduced myself to him.

Me:  Hi!!! Can I introduce myself?
Brian: Sure, hello!
Me: Hi, I'm Erica Chung
Brian: I'm Brian Cornell
Me: I KNOW!!!! :D:D:D:D

We had a short conversation and he asked me about what I was working on and how I was liking my experience. He's a real fantastic guy. Meeting the CEO is like meeting a celebrity and you feel like you are on a high especially when he's a great guy. It's like finding out your favorite celebrity is just as awesome in real life. He then invited me to schedule a meeting with his administrative VP to talk more over coffee. I am ecstatic!!!!! What do you say to a man who makes more in a minute than I do in a day and manages a 46.9 billion dollar business?!  It showed me today just how much Walmart/Sam's Club cares about their employees by going above and beyond for them.

Since it was 6 weeks into the internship, I had my midpoint evaluation today. My bosses, Richard and Kelli, are GREAT and it felt awesome to receive the encouragement and feedback they gave me. They also gave me "areas of opportunity" on where I can improve. I feel like a little star gaining it's brightness.

Lastly, I got an email saying that I made it to the second round of the Walmart L.E.A.P Scholarship. For the first round, we had to write a 3 page essay. In the second round, we give a 10 minute presentation with a 5 minute Q&A. Then at the intern banquet, the winners are announced. I am super excited!

Walmart really cares about their employees and offers so many growth and development opportunities. I wake up every morning excited to go to work because of all the nice, inspiring people and the value they place on me. Best internship ever.

To end the week off even more fantastic, a few interns and I are going to Austin and Houston for my 22nd birthday! BBQ, Tex-Mex, Asian Food HERE I COME!!!


Maricar said...

Erica, we are so proud of you !!! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend... Bella can't wait :-)

Tiffany said...

AHHH!! that sounds so awesome!! my echung is all grown up! :) i get to see you in less than 24hrs! <3