Monday, April 12, 2010

Uniquely Austin

I finally joined LinkedIn, the professional networking website. It's like a facebook for resumes it seems. It's a really neat tool for professional networking. I've been spending some time on it adding people and checking out the features.

There are so many unique and fun things to do in Austin. I wish I knew about everything. I'm trying to add users on Twitter that seem to be in the know. When you are a senior, you realize your time is running up and more things are thrown into your bucket list of to do before you graduate. The race against time begins!

I started being active on the yelp community, learning about the great food joints in Austin. My friends and I have been utilizing our age and hitting up happy hours all over Austin. My favorite so far has been 219 west - I love the calamari!

On Saturday, I went to 40 Aces Fest at UT with a few friends. It's a huge carnival with a concert at the end. This year, Girl Talk came. He's a DJ and his specialty is mash ups. I love what he calls his music: "a copyright infringement waiting to happen" It was like a huge club party on the UT main mall. Everyone was dancing and having a great time.

 Austin, Texas has a special place in my heart <3

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