Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2009 - you're looking mighty fine

There are so many exciting, life changing events that I'm very much looking forward to. 2009 is really looking to be unforgettable. It's consisting of a bachelorette party, my 21st birthday, a wedding, and studying abroad in the MOTHERLAND!

Next week, my parents are heading to California to commemorate my Grandma's passing last year. Which means I will be driving down to Houston to pick up Snowball. He's going to be visiting in Austin for 2 weeks!

Yesterday, I went to eat lunch at Plucker's with Stella and her friends. We were talking about her bachelorette party in Los Angeles, CA which we just booked tickets for. 

Today I got my acceptance email to study abroad in Hong Kong for Fall 2009! I'm super super excited and I've been looking through the web site all day long. The campus is absolutely beautiful and the thoughts of all the excitement that lies before me is exhilarating. I'm still soaking in the idea that I will be halfway across the world in about 5 months! I want to explore the other neighboring Asian countries as well visiting my Chinese and Vietnamese brothas and sistas. My mouth is drooling thinking about all the delicious food I'll be chowing down on.

Flash forward to June and I'll be in LA getting krunk with Stella and the rest of the Bridesmaids! Flash to July 2 and I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday, flash to the end of July and my cousins will be getting married, flash to August and I'll be in Hong Kong.... LA, Hong Kong, get ready for me!


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