Saturday, March 21, 2009

Things I learned on the Spring Break Trip

For Spring Break 2009, a few friends and I went to Destin, Florida for the week and stopped at New Orleans, Louisiana on the way back. Unlike Galveston, beaches can be beautiful. It was a roller coaster of a trip with some parts emulating Real World on MTV. I guess that's what happens when you stick 4 girls and 4 guys in a condo! At times it was relaxing especially laying on the beach. It's a nice contrast to my typical week of school and ABSA. Overall it was fun and many life lessons were extracted from this trip:

1. I hate Frank's surf board pajamas. These are the only pajamas I've seen him own since Freshman year in college when we use to go to his dorm in San Jac to hang out
2. McDonald's hot chocolate is the shit
3. What states are between Texas and Florida? Apparently, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia...
4. On Harvest Moon DS if you build your shed out of fodder it will fall on your animals and they wil die - Crystal
5. Wow! Sand CAN be white and water CAN be blue
6. Singles and couples have different interests on trips
7. ALWAYS remember to bring sunglasses and music to a beach
8. Ultimate Frisbee with a football is much, much easier
9. But running in the sand isn't
10. Why don't Asians use dishwashers? It's easier and cleaner
11. Dress down for clubs in Florida that are on the beach - flip flops and tank tops are appropriate
12. There are Dippin Dots stores in Florida!
13. Crystal has options. She got hit on by many guys, a few women, and a transvestite
14. Fried seafood in New Orleans is the bomb!
15. Chinese guys are immature, jerks, and big JOKES who will calculate money to the milicent if they could
16. Bourbon street is crazy! There are people of all ages, all ethnicities, and all sanities
17. Roomies are perfect Spring Break buddies
18. Parasailing is pretty chill and recommended for first dates and not for confessions of love. Cause then you would be floating for 15 minutes in awkwardness.
19. Bring a towel to parasail cause your friends might think its funny to dip you in the water when you specifically asked not to because you prefer not riding in a 5 hour car ride to New Orleans in wet undies
20. Target sells cute undies

What's a trip without a few pictures?

Girls at the Beach: Crystal, Alice, Me, Sally

Group Picture

Jet Skiing!

Parasailing (Alice and I)

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

HAHAHA. #19, me and candy parasailed as a pair and janet and leslie were a pair. we told the guy to dip janet and leslie's feet.....they told the man to dunk me and candy -_-